Ray Stedman es uno de los pastores y expositores bíblicos más destacados del siglo XX.
Su mensaje sobre el auténtico cristianismo está moldeando las vidas de individuos e iglesias de todo el mundo.
El mensaje de Ray ahora alcanza a todo el globo, para la gloria de Dios y la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo.
Luis Palau describes his friend Ray Stedman:
I loved Ray Stedman! What I remember most about Ray Stedman: Ray was humorous. He was filled with the joy of the Lord. Ray was a real man. He was a man's man in every way. Ray was authentic. He loved you enough to firmly rebuke you when needed. His practical application of Scripture quickly shook your conscience. Ray Stedman made biblical exposition seem utterly simple! Over and over he used these three principles: observation, interpretation, application.
While serving as one of Ray Stedman's first two interns (Charles Swindoll was the other), I also grew to value his unique way of counseling. I remember Ray telling me: "Get past the facade, the smoke screen, and go straight for the soul. All man's problems stem from the ego-pride. The answers, of course, to the ego are Jesus Christ and Scripture, principle and truth-so lead them there." I have practiced ... that advice for years on TV, radio, and in personal counseling.
Ray loved his daughters to the point of tears of pain. He always believed they would one day walk with God in amazing ways. Ray's wife, Elaine, made Jesus Christ, their daughters, and the ministry her first priority. Ray never took that for granted.
Ray lived out the resurrected indwelling life of a Christian unlike any man I have known, and he taught us well.
Were there any weaknesses in Ray Stedman's life? Sure, he was human!! But of this I am quite certain: Ray Stedman was a faithful servant of Jesus Christ throughout his lifetime and will enjoy the Lord's "Well done!" for all eternity.
--Luis Palau