El discurso del aposento alto
Por haber sido puesto todo el poder en el cielo y en la tierra en manos de Jesús, Él estuvo, en cierto sentido, dirigiendo Su propia muerte.
Él estaba al mando a través de toda esta asombrosa serie de acontecimientos.
The passage known as the Upper Room Discourse in the Gospel of John, chapters 13 through 17, takes us into the intimate thoughts of Jesus just before his Crucifixion. Some have called this the "holy of holies" of Scripture. That is, if you think of Scripture as a temple, this is the sanctuary, where you come into the very presence of God himself. By means of his words to his disciples, we are permitted here to enter into the thinking and emotions of Jesus just before his own crucifixion. Within hours of this event, the Lord was hanging upon a cross. In less than twenty-four hours he was dead and buried. These therefore constitute the last words of Jesus before his own death.
As we look carefully, then, at this passage--a few verses at a time--we will begin to see more clearly into the heart of our Lord, into his total understanding of our needs: to see his preparations and provision for us, and to understand more clearly how we are to bear the fruit which remains.