Heaton, Jim. Interview by author, March 15,2001, Gleneden Beach, Ore. Tape recording.
Hendricks, Howard. Interview by author, March 15,2001, Gleneden Beach, Ore. Tape recording.
Hendricks, Jeanne. Interview by author, March 15,2001, Gleneden Beach, Ore. Tape recording.
Palau, Luis. Interview by author, September 9, 2002, by telephone. Tape recording.
Roe, Robert. Interview by author, September 24, 2002, Sunnyvale, Calif. Tape recording.
Roper, David. Interview by author, March 15,2001, Gleneden Beach, Ore. Tape recording.
Sheets, Wendell. Interview by Susan Stedman, August 4, 1994, Grants Pass, Ore. Transcript.
Stedman, Elaine. Interview by author, July 15, 2001, Grants Pass, Ore. Tape recording.
Stedman, Elaine. Interview by Wade Whitcomb, November 17-18, 1994, Grants Pass, Ore. Transcript.
Stedman, Susan. Interview by author, July 14, 2001, Grants Pass, Ore. Tape recording.
Stedman Martin, Laurie. Interview by author, July 15, 2001, Grants Pass, Ore. Tape recording.
Stedman, Linda. Interview by author, July 14, 2001, Grants Pass, Ore. Tape recording.
Stedman, Ray, to Beulah Sheets, October 18, 1935. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Beulah Sheets, July 5,1942. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to confidential recipient, August 30, 1989. Collection of recipient.
__________, to Dawson Trotman, July 26, 1945. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, August 28, 1940. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, September 24, 1940. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, December 30, 1940. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, January 10, 1941. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, December 26, 1942. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, February 15, 1943. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, March 27, 1944. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, April 12, 1944. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, April 21, 1944. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Smith, May 12, 1944. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Stedman, May 20, 1947. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Stedman, May 24, 1947. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Stedman, June 7, 1947. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Stedman, June 18, 1947. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Stedman, June 8, 1950. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Elaine Stedman, October 22, 1968. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Fred Sheets, January 23, 1937. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to his family, undated. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to his family, October 18, 1936. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to his family, April 4, 1939. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Miles Stanford, August 5, 1957. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Miles Stanford, September 12, 1957. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Miles Stanford, September 26, 1957. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
__________, to Miles Stanford, August 25, 1961. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
Mitchell, Mark, to Ray Stedman, August 1992. Collection of Mark S. Mitchell.
Smith, Elaine, to Ray Stedman, April 5, 1944. Collection of Elaine Stedman.
Stedman, Elaine, e-mail to Mark Mitchell, January 22, 2003. Collection of Mark S. Mitchell.
Stedman Brekke, Sheila, letter to Mark Mitchell, August 26, 2002. Collection of Mark S. Mitchell.
Stedman, Susan, e-mail to Mark Mitchell, August 23, 2002. Collection of Mark S. Mitchell.
Stedman, Linda, e-mail to Mark Mitchell, August 29, 2002. Collection of Mark S. Mitchell.
__________, e-mail to Mark Mitchell, September 1, 2002. Collection of Mark S. Mitchell.
PUBLISHED SERMONS BY Ray C. STEDMAN (http://raystedman.org/)
Stedman, Ray C. Behind Divisions. Discovery Paper #3572. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 19, 1978. Database online.
__________, "Can We Trust Government?" Discovery Paper #3812. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on November 21, 1982. Database online.
__________, "The Child in Our Midst." Discovery Paper #3317. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 2,1975. Database online.
__________, "The Christian and Worldliness." First published in The King's Business magazine, 1957. Discovery Paper #2. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Database online.
__________, "The Church That Lost Its Love." Discovery Paper #4190. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on November 12, 1979. Database online.
__________, "The City of Glory." Discovery Paper #4211 The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on April 29, 1990. Database online.
__________, "The Cure for Heart Trouble." Discovery Paper #3868. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 17, 1985. Database online.
__________, "The Death of Death." Discovery Paper #275. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on April 14, 1968. Database online.
__________, "Doing What Comes Unnaturally." Discovery Paper #4. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached prior to May 10,1959. Database online.
__________, "Exhibit A" Discovery Paper #10. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on June 3, 1962. Database online.
__________, "The Fact of Facts." Discovery Paper #177. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on Easter [1967]. Database online.
__________, "False Consecration." Discovery Paper #12. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on July 22, 1962. Database online.
__________, "A Father's Joy." Discovery Paper #4092. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on December 27, 1987. Database online.
__________, "The Goal of Revelation." Discovery Paper #188. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on November 24, 1963. Database online.
__________, "God Is Light." Discovery Paper #135. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on September 18, 1966. Database online.
__________, "Good Grief." Discovery Paper #34. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 10, 1963. Database online.
__________, "Guard the Teaching." Discovery Paper #3764. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on unknown date in 1981. Database online.
__________, "Hebrews: All About Faith." Discovery Paper #259. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 31, 1968. Database online.
__________, "The Incredible Hope." Discovery Paper #3876. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on April 7, 1985. Database online.
__________, "Jesus and the Priests." Discovery Paper #3328. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on September 21,1975. Database online.
__________, "Let's Get On with It." Discovery Paper #88. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on April 11, 1965. Database online.
__________, "Liberated!" Discovery Paper #3003. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on August 13, 1972. Database online.
__________, "The Lord and His Church." Discovery Paper #3. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon [preached in 195?]. Database online.
__________, "The Message of Romans." Discovery Paper #246. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on January 22,1967. Database online.
__________, "On Expositional Preaching." Sermon preached on July 30, 1996. The Ray Stedman Library Index. From the Archives of Elaine Stedman. Database online.
__________, "One Thousand Years of Peace." Discovery Paper #4210. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on April 22, 1990. Database online.
__________, "The Passing of the Torch." Discovery Paper #3783. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on June 6, 1982. Database online.
__________, "The Power You Already Have." Discovery Paper #4308. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on September 29, 1991. Database online.
__________, "The Promise of Life." Discovery Paper #3782. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on February 7,1982. Database online.
__________, "The Secrets of God." Discovery Paper #3000. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on July 16, 1972. Database online.
__________, "The Signs of an Apostle." Discovery Paper #3697. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 25,1980. Database online.
__________, "A Song of Realities." Discovery Paper #386. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on September 28,1969. Database online.
__________, "The Sons of God Among Men." Discovery Paper #3520. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on October 24, 1976. Database online.
__________, "Soul and Spirit." Discovery Paper #35. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 17, 1963. Database online.
__________, "Stand Firm." Discovery Paper #4099. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on February 21,1988. Database online.
__________, "Tell It to the Church." Discovery Paper #3952. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on September 30, 1984. Database online.
__________, "The True Baptism of the Spirit." Discovery Paper #3514. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on June 20,1976. Database online.
__________, "The True Lord's Prayer." Discovery Paper #64. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on April 26, 1964. Database online.
__________, "Wage the Good Warfare." Discovery Paper #3767. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached in 1981. Database online.
__________, "What You See Is What You Can Be." Discovery Paper #3790. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on May 16, 1982. Database online.
__________, "Who Is Jesus?" Discovery Paper #3831 The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on March 20,1983. Database online.
__________, "Why Pray?" Discovery Paper #56. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Sermon preached on February 2,1964. Database online.
Stedman, Ray C. "Memories of Winifred." The Ray C. Stedman Library Index, Archives of Elaine Stedman. July 30, 1996. Database online.
__________, Spiritual Warfare, Ray C. Stedman Library. Discovery Publishing, Internet Edition 1999. Database online.
__________, "Unsheathing the Sword." Eternity, March 1986.
__________, "Why I Am An Expositor." Theology, News and Notes, XXXII, no. 4, December 1985.
Ahlstrom, Sydney E. A Religious History if the American People, vol. 2. Garden City, N.Y.: Image Books, a division of Doubleday, 1975.
Bailey, Ronald H., and William K. Goolrick, ed., The Home Front: U.S.A., World War II. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books Inc., 1978.
Brokaw, Tom, The Greatest Generation. New York: Random House, 1998.
Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Grace. Findlay, Ohio: Dunham Publishing, 1947.
Dallas Theological Seminary Web site (http://dts.edu). Dallas, Tex. ''A Rich Tradition: A Brief History" section. Database online.
Isserman, Maurice, and John Bowman, gen. ed., World War II. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1991.
Kraus, C. Norman. "Dispensationalism," Mark A. Knoll, ed., Eerdmans' Handbook to Christianity in America (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983), 327-
Marty, Martin E. "The Electronic Church," in Eerdmans' Handbook to Christianity in America. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983.
Rocky Mountain College Web site (http://rocky.edu). Billings, Mont.: "College History & Heritage" section. Database online.
Rowdon, Harold H. "Hudson Taylor," Dr. Tim Dowley, ed., Eerdmans' Handbook to the History if Christianity. Hertz, England: Lion Publishing, 1977.
Shearer, Doug. Quote on The Rogue River Fellowship Papers section, The Ray C. Stedman Library.
Skinner, Betty Lee. Daws. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1974.
Stedman, Elaine. Body Language. Discovery Paper #8157. The Ray C. Stedman Library. Message given on March 8, 1998. Database online.
Stedman, Ray C. Body Life. Glendale, CA: Regal Books, 1972.
__________, Authentic Christianity. Palo Alto, CA: Discovery Books, 1975.
Swindoll, Charles. "The Picture of Integrity: Ray Stedman." Insights Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 6, December 1992.
"An Unruly Time (1960-1980)," Mark A. Knoll, ed., Eerdmans' Handbook to Christianity in America, Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983.
Whitworth College Web site (http://whitworth.edu). Spokane, Wash.: "About Whitworth" Heritage section. Database online.
Burnside, Joanie. ''A Stone's Throw: Peninsula Bible Church 1948-1998." 1998. Photocopy.
Forsyth, Bev. Unpublished document. 1992. Photocopy.
Stedman, Ray. "The Desperate Need for Biblical Truth in Our Churches." n.d. Photocopy.
__________, "The Purpose of Preaching." March 1986. Multnomah Ministries, Portland, Ore.: Audiotape CB6003.
__________, "Spiritual Survival." n.d. Photocopy.
Swindoll, Charles. "Of Servants and Mentors." n.d. Photocopy.
Whitcomb, Wade. "Passing of the Torch: A Homiletical Biography of Ray Stedman." 1998. Photocopy.