Es nuestra esperanza que hombres y mujeres instruidos por el Espíritu busquen con integridad
las perspectivas bíblicas que a todos nos sanan y clarifican, de modo que el Cuerpo de Cristo pueda dirigirse a nuestra confusa
y herida sociedad con las revolucionarias y radicales realidades de la Verdad y el Amor que Dios nos reveló a través de Su Palabra,
y que nuestro entendimiento de Dios moldee y corrija nuestras percepciones.
The compulsion to write A Woman's Worth was born out of my own experience in the business world, as wife and mother, as friend and counselor. At that time it appeared little attention was directed within the Christian community to the basic issues of identity and equality, and biblical terms such as "submission", "authority" and "headship" were in serious need of review. The church had long been remiss in giving honest and in-depth consideration to our sexuality. To fill this vacuum, many reactionary and polarizing views were being aired.
Our hope was that as Spirit-instructed and gifted men and women sought with integrity the biblical perspectives that would clarify and heal us all, the Body of Christ could address our wounded, confused society with the radical and revolutionary realities of Truth and Love which God has revealed to us through His Word, that our understanding of God would inform and correct our perceptions.