Man Burdened by the Fate of God’s Rebellious People
Antiguo Testamento

Jeremías: El perfil de la valentía

"¡Convertíos, hijos rebeldes, y os sanaré de vuestras rebeliones!" "Aquí estamos, venimos a ti, porque tú, Jehová, eres nuestro Dios". (Jeremías 3:22)

Dos cosas importantes están entrelazadas dentro del tejido de toda esta profecía. Una concierne al destino de la nación, y la otra concierne a los sentimientos del profeta; y ambas son instructivas.

Drawing Near and Being Restored
Called for a Crisis Jeremiah 1
The Way Back Jeremiah 2-5
My Struggle with God Jeremiah 7-10
The Lord and His Workman Jeremiah 11-15
To Whom Shall We Go? Jeremiah 16-17
The Potter and the Clay Jeremiah 18-19:13
A Burning in the Bones Jeremiah 19:14-20:18
Why the Land Mourns Jeremiah 21-25
Who Knows? Jeremiah 26-29
The Secret of Strength Jeremiah 30 - 31
Is Anything Too Hard for God? Jeremiah 32 - 33
What Does God Require? Jeremiah 34 - 39
Back to Egypt Jeremiah 40 - 45
Now Hear This! Jeremiah 46 - 51