Ancient Isaiah Scroll, One of the Seven Dead Sea Scrolls


耶和华说:“你们来,我们彼此辩论。你们的罪虽像朱红,必变成雪白;虽红如丹颜,必白如羊毛。“ (以赛亚书1:18)


Man's Insignificance -- God's Majesty
The Human Problem Isaiah 1
His Majesty Isaiah 6
O Come Immanuel Isaiah 7, 9
What's Coming Down? Isaiah 11, 12
Why Do The Nations Rage? Isaiah 13-23
The Black Holes of Life Isaiah 24-35
Faith and Folly Isaiah 36-39
Who is Like our God? Isaiah 40-43
God of Space and Time Isaiah 44-48
Behold the Messiah Isaiah 49-52
Man of Sorrows Isaiah 53
The Time of Rain and Snow Isaiah 54-58
And then Comes the End Isaiah 59-66