Men Praying at the Wailing Wall, Rebuilding God's City Jerusalem


以禄月二十五日,城墙修完了,共修了五十二天。 我们一切仇敌、四围的外邦人听见了便惧怕,愁眉不展,因为见这工作完成是出乎我们的神。 (尼希米记6:15-16)


Principles of Reconstruction
Don't Despair -- Begin to Repair Nehemiah 1
Don't Hesitate -- Investigate! Nehemiah 2
Don't be Paralyzed -- Get Organized! Nehemiah 3
Don't Back Down -- Build Up Nehemiah 4, 5
Don't Vacillate -- Perpetuate! Nehemiah 6, 7
The Shining Light Nehemiah 8
Let us Bow before our Maker Nehemiah 9:1-37
The New Resolve Nehemiah 9:38-10:39
The Ways God Works Nehemiah 11:1 - 12:26
The Sound of Rejoicing Nehemiah 12:27-47
Looking for a Few Good Men Nehemiah 13:1-14
Preventing Burnout and Preserving Power Nehemiah 13:15-31