People Discussing Themes of the Bible

Thematic Studies

From the onset of his ministry, Ray's method was to preach through entire books of the Bible, often alternating between the Old and New Testaments, giving his congregation a balanced diet of God's Word. Ray said, the great advantage to this, over topical preaching, is that it forces one to handle the difficult themes of Scripture as well as the more popular ones. It presents truth in the balanced pattern of Scripture itself, mingling several themes in one passage. Thus it makes possible the apostolic goal of declaring the whole counsel of God. Yet, recognizing a long series could weary his congregation, Ray would sometimes shift to another series, later returning to complete the first. During these interludes Ray would often address current issues or theological questions relevant to his congregation. Here in this section you will find the great body of Ray's thematic teachings.

Bible Theme Studies

Authentic Christianity
  • Authentic Christianity -- The Book
New Covenant
  • Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Body Life
  • Body Life
  • Single Messages
Spiritual Warfare
  • The Battle of Life
  • Single Messages
  • Short Essay
About Ray Stedman
  • Portrait of Integrity -- The Book
Expository Preaching
  • Discover the Divinely Intended Meaning
  • Single Messages
  • Biblical Eldership (video)
  • Servant Leadership
  • When All Else Fails...Read the Directions
  • Baptism, Tithing & Church Discipline
  • Lessons from the Past
  • Jesus Teaches on Prayer
  • Old Testament Prayer
Christian Living
  • The Christian and His Possessions
  • Guidelines for the Home
  • The Christian and Moral Conditions
  • The Christian in Modern Society
Treasures of the Parables
  • Treasures of the Parables
  • Tomorrow's Headlines
  • Understanding the Times
  • Judgment
  • Single Messages
Christmas and Easter
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Witnessing
  • The Soul Winning of Jesus
Doctrinal Topics
  • Problems Confronting Man
  • The Nature and Person of Jesus
  • Rogue River Fellowship
  • Short Essays
Upper Room Discourse
  • Secrets of the Spirit
The Life of Christ
  • Following and Serving Jesus
Questions and Answers
  • The Church, The Home and The Nation
  • The Tongues Question
  • Single Messages
Conference Messages
  • The Basics: Ephesians
  • Learning the God-Designed Life
  • Abundant Living
  • Growing Up to Contentment
Characters in Scripture
  • Learning from the Characters in Scripture
Elaine's Library
  • To Live in Joy
  • A Woman's Worth
  • Single Messages