A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice:
If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. … There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.Rev 14:9-11
In Revelation 13, the Antichrist exerts economic control over the whole world. No one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast imprinted into the back of the hand or on the forehead. Now, the angel announces this is a fatal choice. Anyone who receives this mark shall experience the fury of God's wrath to the last dregs.
This is what is called hellfire and brimstone
It is regarded as contrary to the gospel of love.
But all through the Bible, you see that God's love is manifest to people everywhere, urging them to escape this judgment.
God in love pleads with people, Do not go on to this end!
But ultimately he must judge those who refuse his offer of grace.
He says, in effect, I love you and can provide all you need.
Therefore love me, and you will find the fulfillment your heart is looking for.
But many people say, No.
I will take your gifts and all the good things you provide, but I do not want you!
Let me run my own life and serve my own ends.
Let me have my own kingdom.
To such, God ultimately says, All right, have it your way!
God has three choices: First, he can let rebellion go on forever and never judge it. In this case the terrible things that are happening on earth, all these distressing injustices, cruelty, anger, hate, malice, sorrow, hurt, pain, and death that now prevails, will go on forever. God does not want that, and neither do we. Second, God can force people to obey him and control them as robots. But he will never do that because that means they cannot love him. Love cannot be forced. Therefore, the third and only choice God really has is that he must withdraw ultimately from those who refuse his love. He must let them have their own way forever. This results in terrible torment of godlessness. If God is necessary to us, then to take him out of our lives is to plunge us into the most terrible sense of loneliness and abandonment that mankind can know. We have all experienced it to some degree, when we get what we want and then discover we do not want what we have got! For that sense of bored emptiness to go on forever is unspeakable torment.
When the earth is filled with violence and widespread hate, the work of the saints of that day is to wait.
This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints,
a determination not to yield or to give way to the glorification of man in that day.
Father, impress upon my heart the degree to which you have gone to redeem me from evil. Thank you that you have found a way to cleanse me and make me new again. Help me to lay hold of that while the time is ripe. Amen.
Life Application
Are the hardships and struggles in your life developing patient endurance in you?