After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting:
Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.And again they shouted:Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.Rev 19:1-3
This is the first time the word Hallelujah
appears in Revelation.
There is a great Hallelujah Chorus in heaven that rejoices over the final removal of a terribly destructive church called the Great Prostitute
and Babylon the Great
that insinuates error into the midst of truth and, in the name of God, leads people astray.
Verse 3 confirms that the final judgment of Babylon is from God for it says,
The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.
That is not an earthly scene; it is eternity that is in view.
The quarrel God has with Babylon and all false religion is that she glorifies herself
in the name of God.
She teaches in the name of Christ, mingling truth with error.
Saints are called to separate themselves from that root error: the hunger for earthly glory and position obtained by religious devotion.
Whenever a church seeks influence by impressing people with outward splendor, you have the seeds of Babylon present.
Whenever individual Christians try to appear pious and devout while their heart runs after material gain or status, there is the silken allurement of Babylon.
In the New Testament, the occasion where this begins in the church is the judgment that came upon Ananias and Sapphira.
That couple seemed to be godly and devout, but what they were after was not the glory of God but self-glory.
They were using an apparent act of devotion on their part in selling their land, and giving only a part of the proceeds to the apostles to gain a false status in the midst of the people.
We must ask ourselves, Why does God show us all this?
All through Revelation we are seeing the end of things that are present with us now.
We are shown this because if we see how things will end, we can turn away from them now.
That is the reason this book is sent to the seven churches of Asia — that they might learn, from the judgments God will bring on Babylon, what is wrong with the practices they see around them throughout the church age.
Father, help me to choose not to drink from the false wine of religious error but to drink from the fountain of truth itself, the word of the living God, and be drawn close to the One who loves me and gave himself for me that I may be changed, sanctified, and made whole. Amen.
Life Application
Does knowing how things will end cause you to turn away from evil now?