So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Here is a guide to an exciting, zestful life: Obey him, follow him, converse with him, draw upon his grace, lean on him, look to him for comfort. That is how to continue to live in him.
Three things have happened to you, says Paul.
You have been rooted
in Christ.
Like a deeply rooted tree, you have been planted in Christ and those strong roots will hold you.
Secondly, you have been built up
in him.
Not only are the roots going deep, but you are growing up as well.
You are increasing in faith and experience.
And thirdly, you have been strengthened
in the faith.
You have tested it, put it to work in your home, in your neighborhood.
You have had to face problems which were tests, and your faith was strengthened by them.
As these three things take place, we are to add one more: we are to be overflowing with thankfulness.
Be grateful to God for everything he has given you, no matter what it is.
Have you learned yet to be thankful in everything?
That means you do not grumble, complain and criticize.
You cannot have it both ways.
To be thankful means to find something in every situation for which you can genuinely be grateful.
The great Bible commentator, Dr. Matthew Henry, once was robbed as he walked along a highway.
Afterwards, he told his friends there were four things for which he gave thanks.
First, he was grateful that he had never been robbed before.
Secondly, he said, Though they took all my money, I am glad they did not get very much.
That was something to be thankful for.
Thirdly, he said, Though they took my money, they did not take my life, and I am grateful for that.
And finally, he suggested, I am thankful that it was I who was robbed, and not I who robbed.
There was a man who had learned how to be overflowing with thankfulness
Have you ever learned to talk to yourself and ask yourself questions?
If you read the Psalms, you will often find you are listening to a man talking to himself.
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you so disquieted within me?
The psalmist is standing at the mirror shaving, feeling blue, and asking himself, What's the matter with you?
Why are you like this?
That is a good thing to do.
When you ask yourself questions about yourself you must also ask, why didn't worse things happen? Look beyond what has occurred and realize it could have been much worse. Then discover all the things which God has supplied and which you have been taking for granted: his care, his love, the shelter of your home (whatever fits your situation), and begin to give thanks for those. If you do, something will happen: you will find yourself turned on about everything. You will find life filled with zest, vitality and excitement. You will have discovered the answer to boredom!
Father, my desire is to continue to continue to live in Christ, just as I received him. Grant that my roots go deep and that I be built up and strengthened in Him. Amen.
Life Application
Are you focusing more on the difficult things that have happened to you, or how much worse it might have been?