From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:16
We must always keep in mind that we are members of the body of Christ. Maturity is not a purely individual matter; it is a process that takes place within a network of relationships. One of the factors that encourages growth in maturity is to allow other Christians to minister to you. The parts of the body are designed to meet one another's needs — they are joined and knit together. God's design for the church is that Christians should relate to one another honestly yet lovingly. As they carry out this mutual ministry, the result will be that choices and decisions will be made with harmony throughout the church. The end result of that church harmony will be that the church will be a witness to the world, and will attract people, increase the numbers of the body, and strengthen the body spiritually. Of course, this is all easier said than done! It takes a Spirit-led blend of courage and compassion to speak the truth in love. It takes a willingness to accept others, forgive others, and forbear with others, and compromising on secondary issues so that our primary issues — our unity, our love, and our witness — may never be compromised.
The other people in the body of Christ are God's chosen instruments. Do not reject God's instruments! He knows what you need better than you do. You are where you are because that is where God wants you. He put you with the Christians around you because they are the kind you need and you are the kind they need. They may be rather prickly and thorny and hard to live with, and they may think of you in cactus-like terms as well! But they are what you need at the present time, and you are what they need. So don't struggle with the place in which God has put you. Accept it, welcome it, and seek to relate in honest love to the other Christians around you. As each member of the body accepts his or her role in the body, ministering to the rest of the body in truth and love, then the body will grow more healthy. Each member of the body will be doing what he or she was meant to do. As gifts are used and love is expressed throughout the body, a marvelous harmony will emerge — a harmony which leads to maturity throughout the body, and which produces a witness that will draw thousands more men and women out of their darkness and into the church.
Yes, there will be pain at times. But through the pain will come growth. As you go on, remember that day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, the Spirit of God is working a miracle. Individual Christians are growing into the maturity of Jesus Christ. The whole body together is manifesting in an increasing way the wholesome, balanced, well-adjusted manhood and stature of Jesus Christ.
Father, we need each other in the body of the church. Thank you for expressing the life of Jesus through us!
Life Application
Are you thankful that the Christians around you are members of one body, the church, with you?