But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7
There are two profoundly important factors in this verse: the description of basic humanity and the revelation of the intent of God. Paul first looks at the basic material with which God works, and he describes it as being a lowly vessel — clay pots. Perhaps you have never thought of yourself as a vessel, but it is a fundamental concept of the biblical view of man. What are vessels for? They are essentially containers made to hold something, and when nothing is in them they are empty. This reminds us that we human beings were intended to contain something.
It is fascinating to discover that in this verse we are not just vessels, but we are made from clay, which in itself has little value. There is nothing very pretentious about human beings in and of themselves. Despite our vast God-given possibilities and our claim to great wisdom and cleverness, we must face the humbling fact that we are directly responsible for the terrible problems that now throttle the earth. Apart from God, we are nothing but earthen pots — and sometimes we are cracked pots at that!
Of course, there are all kinds and grades of clay. Some people are like fine china — they crack easily. While they have a very fine texture, it is nothing more than a form of clay. Others are more like sun-dried mud and crumble at the first rap. Some are tough and resilient by nature, and others are pliable and easily molded. But all are clay. Underneath, we are all ordinary people.
But the Christian is more than an empty vessel. He has something within — or, more accurately, Someone within. We have a treasure in our clay pot! And more than a treasure — a transcendent power! That is humanity as God intended it to be. The clay pot is not much in itself, but it holds an inestimable treasure, beyond price, and a transcendent power, greater than any other power known to humanity.
God has designed even ordinary people like us so that we may be the bearers of the most remarkable riches and power ever known.
The treasure and the power are not from us, but from God.
Does that not sound familiar?
Nothing coming from us; everything coming from God.
God designed it this way; he intended that his great power, wisdom, and love should become visible in ordinary people.
The only hope we have of realizing the glory God intended for us is to learn to draw upon the treasure within and be empowered by the power available. That treasure and that power are Christ — in you! By design God entrusts this secret to failing, faulty, weak, and sinful people so it will be clear that the power does not originate from us. It isn't the result of a strong personality or of a keen and finely honed mind or of good breeding and training. No, it arises solely from the presence of God in the heart. Our earthiness must be as apparent to others as the power is so that they may see that the secret is not us but God. That is why we must be transparent people, not hiding our weaknesses and failures, but honestly admitting them when they occur.
Thank you, Lord, that you made me an ordinary vessel, yet filled with the very life of God. Help me to be willing to show my weaknesses to others that they might also see your power at work in me. Amen.
Life Application
What kind of earthen vessel are you? Will you allow your weaknesses to be seen so that the Lord might fill you with his power and presence?