And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!
2 Corinthians 3:11
The contrast is clear: The old covenant produces that which fades away, but the new covenant produces that which is permanent. When Moses came down from the mountain with his face aglow, he found that the glory faded. Relatively soon it disappeared completely, never to be recovered. But the glory of the face of Jesus never changes. Those who are expecting him to be at work through them in response to the demands that normal living makes upon them will experience eternal results. They will never fade or lose their value. They are treasure laid up in heaven—not upon earth.
Once again Paul reminds us of the attractiveness that accompanies dependence upon the flesh.
Challenging people to rely upon their natural resources and abilities can often whip up a tremendous wave of excitement and enthusiasm.
From such a meeting everyone goes home saying, Wow, what a tremendous meeting!
I can't wait to get started on this new program.
This year we are going to make it.
But every leader of experience knows what will happen.
Soon the enthusiasm will begin to ebb (it might not last beyond the next morning!).
Those who go around later to collect on some of the promises made will find that people have grown dull and apathetic.
By next year it must all be done over again, with new approaches and more powerful presentations, in order to stir up the same degree of excitement and commitment.
Sound familiar?
you might say, that's just human nature.
We humans are just made that way.
It is only realism to take it into consideration and make plans to overcome such apathy repeatedly.
This statement is true — it is human nature.
But it is fallen human nature: in other words, the flesh!
But have you ever met anyone who has learned to function on the basis of the new covenant?
They don't need repeated meetings to whip up their enthusiasm.
After twenty-five years they're still just as fresh and vital on the same job as they were the day they started.
The new covenant refreshes the spirit continually.
When the human spirit weakens in the face of continued demand (as it was meant that it should), it looks immediately to the indwelling God, to the fountain of Living Water, receiving vigor and vitality to meet the day's demands with eagerness and enthusiasm.
People who live on that basis are a delight to work with.
They do not require continual encouragement and outward motivation (though they fully appreciate the kind words people say to them), for they know the secret of their activity is nothing coming from me, but everything from God.
This is the permanent glory that never fades.
Lord, I desire to experience you today as a fountain of Living Water, flowing in and through me as I abide in you. Amen.
Life Application
Can you meet today's demands with eagerness and enthusiasm, knowing that you have a fountain of Living Water flowing in and though you?