Woman Researching in the Library

Complete Library

The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people ... which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:26-27)

We pray this resource leads you deeply into the Word of God; into life-transforming intimacy with Christ at the very core of your being -- for this is authentic Christianity!

Bible Overview

Adventuring Through the Bible
  • Old Testament
  • Silent Years
  • New Testament
Foundations of Faith
  • The Truth that Supports our Faith
Highlights of the Bible
  • Comprehending the Old Testament
Panorama of the Scriptures
  • Overview of God's Word

Old Testament

Genesis: The Method of Faith
  • Foundations for Living
  • Understanding Man
  • Understanding Society
  • The Man of Faith
Leviticus: The Way to Wholeness
  • Basic Human Needs
  • Basic Human Behavior
Nehemiah: Rebuilding the Walls
  • Principles of Reconstruction
Esther: A Queen Under Control
  • God at Work in the Human Heart
Job: The Hardest Lesson
  • Let God be God
Psalms: The Worship of an Honest Heart
  • Obtaining God's Help
  • Folksongs of Faith
Ecclesiastes: The Inspired Book of Error
  • Things that Don't Work
Isaiah: The Salvation of the Lord
  • Man's Insignificance -- God's Majesty
Jeremiah: A Profile of Courage
  • Drawing Near and Being Restored
Daniel: On the Way to the Future
  • Understanding God's Purposes on Earth

Thematic Studies

Authentic Christianity
  • Authentic Christianity -- The Book
New Covenant
  • Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Body Life
  • Body Life
  • Single Messages
Spiritual Warfare
  • The Battle of Life
  • Single Messages
  • Short Essay
About Ray Stedman
  • Portrait of Integrity -- The Book
Expository Preaching
  • Discover the Divinely Intended Meaning
  • Single Messages
  • Biblical Eldership (video)
  • Servant Leadership
  • When All Else Fails...Read the Directions
  • Baptism, Tithing & Church Discipline
  • Lessons from the Past
  • Jesus Teaches on Prayer
  • Old Testament Prayer
Christian Living
  • The Christian and His Possessions
  • Guidelines for the Home
  • The Christian and Moral Conditions
  • The Christian in Modern Society
Treasures of the Parables
  • Treasures of the Parables
  • Tomorrow's Headlines
  • Understanding the Times
  • Judgment
  • Single Messages
Christmas and Easter
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Witnessing
  • The Soul Winning of Jesus
Doctrinal Topics
  • Problems Confronting Man
  • The Nature and Person of Jesus
  • Rogue River Fellowship
  • Short Essays
Upper Room Discourse
  • Secrets of the Spirit
The Life of Christ
  • Following and Serving Jesus
Questions and Answers
  • The Church, The Home and The Nation
  • The Tongues Question
  • Single Messages
Conference Messages
  • The Basics: Ephesians
  • Learning the God-Designed Life
  • Abundant Living
  • Growing Up to Contentment
Characters in Scripture
  • Learning from the Characters in Scripture
Elaine's Library
  • To Live in Joy
  • A Woman's Worth
  • Single Messages

New Testament

Matthew: Behold Your King!
  • Behind History
  • What on Earth's Going to Happen? (Olivet Discourse)
Mark: He Came to Serve
  • The Servant who Rules
  • The Ruler who Serves
John: Who is this Man?
  • Believing that Jesus is the Christ
Acts: An Unfinished Story
  • Where the Action Is
  • The Church under Pressure
  • The Pattern Setters
  • The Prisoner of the Lord
Romans: The Master Key to Scripture
  • From Guilt to Glory -- Explained
  • From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited
  • From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced
1 Corinthians: Epistle to the 21st Century
  • Wisdom: The Skill of Living Life
2 Corinthians: authentic Christianity
  • A Living, Vital Christian Faith
Ephesians: The Calling of the Saints
  • Riches in Christ
  • The Ministry of the Saints
  • The Christian in the World
  • Christian Relationships
  • Spiritual Warfare
Philippians: Christ, Our Confidence & Strength
  • Praise, Confidence and Rejoicing
Colossians: Power to Endure with Joy
  • A Life Worthy of the Lord
Thessalonians: Hope for a Hopeless World
  • First Thessalonians
  • Second Thessalonians
Timothy: The Pastor's Primer
  • First Timothy
  • Second Timothy
Hebrews: All About Faith
  • Depending on God's Work in Us
1 John: The Fruit of Fellowship with Christ
  • Maintaining Fellowship
  • Maintaining Truth
  • Maintaining Righteousness
  • Maintaining Love
  • Maintaining Assurance
Revelation: The End -- and a New Beginning
  • Read, Hear and Keep what is Written

Daily Devotions

The Power of His Presence

Immeasurably More

Christ in You