Job is going about his private affairs, unaware that he has suddenly become the focus of Satan’s attention. Job’s faith in God has become the object of a test by Satan, in which God is planning to pull the rug out from under Satan.
A devotion introduction for December
The book of Job is perhaps the oldest book in the Bible. No one knows who wrote it. Some scholars think Moses may have written it, while some date it as late as the time of Solomon. But one thing is certain: the Holy Spirit gave this book to us. It is a very profound book, and in many ways it touches upon certain themes more deeply than any other book of the Bible. It is also a very beautiful book, written in majestic, glorious language.
Job was a real man, not a mythological figure. He is mentioned by Ezekiel and classified as one of the three great men of the Old Testament, along with Noah and Daniel (Ezekiel 14:14, 20). In the New Testament, James mentions Job, referring to his patience and steadfast endurance (5:11).
According to the opening part of the book, Job lived in the land of Uz, and he was probably one of the most prominent citizens of that land. He was a contemporary of Abraham, most likely, so this book goes back to the very beginning of biblical history.
As we will see, the book is a kind of epic poem, very much like the Iliad and the Odyssey, by Homer. Some think it was presented at times as a drama in which actors recited the parts of the different characters in the book. Most of the book is poetry, but it begins and ends with a prose prologue and epilogue, which are like program notes that are given to the audience in this drama.