…so that you through his poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9
Giving finds its meaning only when others are made rich by it. Giving is never directed inward, it is always outward. It is never for our benefit, even indirectly or remotely. Its intention is the enrichment of others. Sometimes we give to our family, to our children or our relatives, and feel that we have given. But when we give to our own family, we are only giving to an extension of ourselves. We share the same life; we are really only giving to ourselves. It is perfectly right to do this. The New Testament makes clear that he who does not care for his own household has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel — but do not call it giving! True giving is directed to others, preferably others who have no claim upon us at all, even those who deserve nothing.
This is what Jesus did.
When we were enemies, Christ died for us.
In the days of the American Revolution, there lived in Pennsylvania a Baptist pastor named Peter Miller who was a friend of George Washington.
In that same city there lived another man named Michael Whitman, who was an ungodly scoundrel and did everything in his power to oppose the work of the pastor.
On one occasion, Michael Whitman was involved in an act of treason against the government of the United States.
He was arrested and taken to Philadelphia, some seventy miles away, to appear before General Washington.
When the news reached Peter Miller that this man was appearing on trial for his life before General Washington, Peter Miller walked the long seventy miles to Philadelphia to appeal for his life.
He was admitted to the presence of Washington, and when he came in he began to speak for the life of Michael Whitman.
Washington heard his story through, and then said, No, Peter, I cannot give you the life of your friend.
Peter said, My friend!
My friend!
This man is not my friend; he is the bitterest enemy that I have!
Washington said, What!
You mean to say that you have walked seventy miles through the dust and the heat of the road to appeal for the life of your enemy?
Well, that puts the matter in a different light.
I'll give you, then, the life of your enemy.
Peter Miller put his arm around the shoulders of Whitman and led him out of the shadow of death, back to his home, no longer his enemy, but a friend.
That is what the Lord Jesus has done for us. When we were enemies, Christ died for us! He did it in order that we might be spiritually rich. This is the way the life of Jesus Christ is made visible in this day and age. It is as Christians reduplicate the self-giving ministry of Jesus Christ, pouring ourselves out on behalf of others, that others see the glorious miracle of self-giving love that transforms life. He has made us rich in order that out of our riches in Christ, we may pour out to others that which has been given to us.
Thank you, Father, for the riches I have in Christ. May I learn to pour out to others that which has been given to me.
Life Application
Who needs to see you exhibit self-sacrificing grace and mercy on their behalf?