The daughters of Zelophehad … came forward and stood before Moses, Eleazar the priest, the leaders and the whole assembly at the entrance to the tent of meeting and said,
Our father died in the wilderness. He was not among Korah's followers, who banded together against the Lord, but he died for his own sin and left no sons. Why should our father's name disappear from his clan because he had no son? Give us property among our father's relatives.Numbers 27:1-4
Following the determination that these girls evidenced, there is immediately the second characterization of faith: not only determination, but daring. They stood before Moses and Eleazer the priest and the leaders and all the congregation, at the door of the tent of the meeting which numbered well over a million people. It must have been an unusual sight to behold. It was unusual enough for women to come, but what they asked was unheard of. I wish that I could have seen Moses' face when these girls made their request. Moses was used to solving problems among this murmuring, discontented people. But, when these girls came, they floored him with their request. He did not know what to do. They asked that the inheritance might pass to them even though there was no male issue, and Moses had nothing to say. He brought their case before the Lord and asked what God would say.
Faith always dares to do something different.
It may be an ordinary thing, but done in an extraordinary way.
But faith always must step out beyond the usual, and this is what these girls do.
There stood in their way the most powerful obstacle to advance ever known to the human race — one of Satan's favorite weapons here.
They were up against the monumental bulk of tradition, the immovable obstacle which has thwarted many, and many a well laid plan.
The most discouraging words that men ever hear is the phrase, We have never done that before.
It was this that these girls were up against.
Faith always challenges tradition, and we must therefore be ready to move out against traditionally held views in some way or another if we are going to walk by faith.
When a new concept is first propounded, man says, It is not true.
When the probability of its truth is supported by the experience of many, then people say, It will not work.
When workability is established beyond doubt, people say, It is not important.
But when its importance can no longer be ignored, they say, We knew it all the time.
This is what these girls are up against.
They are moving against the invested interests of tradition.
But they are reckoning on a promise which is based on grace.
And with that, they dare to come.
Lord, teach me to take by faith what I need for personal victory; to take what I need for personal witness; to take what I need for strength to face problems, whatever they may be. Lord, teach me to walk by faith.
Life Application
Do your circumstances require you to exercise daring in your walk of faith? Ask God to show you his will in the matter, and then obey what he shows you to do.