Couple Reading Daily Devotional on a Tablet

Devotion for Today

The Way To Peace

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name...
Philippians 2:9-11
Today's Devotion Devotions for March

Philippians: Christ, Our Confidence & Strength

If you are going through times of pressure and trial, I urge you to read this little letter. It will encourage you greatly, especially if you remember it was written by Paul as he was chained to a Roman soldier awaiting trial.

Messages in Philippians...

Authentic Christianity

We pray this resource leads you deeply into the Word of God; into life-transforming intimacy with Christ at the very core of your being -- for this is authentic Christianity!

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About Ray Stedman

Ray Stedman is one of the twentieth century's foremost pastors and biblical expositors. His message of Authentic Christianity is shaping the lives of individuals and churches worldwide. Ray's message now reaches across the globe, for the glory of God and the building up of the body of Christ.

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