Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4
At first glance it is hard to tell who are the Christians in this world.
They are ordinary looking people.
But being a Christian means we have an extra dimension to life.
There is a hidden resource, an invisible reality, which the world does not have and cannot see.
This is not referring to Christ being up in heaven,
lost in space somewhere!
Rather, this refers to what Paul has talked about earlier in this letter, Christ in you, the hope of glory.
This extra dimension is not far removed in the reaches of space; it is right within the heart, an invisible dimension within us.
This is the glory of the Christian life and the secret of its power, joy and courage.
If you have not discovered this yet as a Christian, you have not yet begun to live as you should.
This is what puts a smile on a Christian's face, even though he or she is in trouble.
Set your hearts
on this hidden resource is Paul's exhortation.
He means our affections.
Think with affectionate gratitude of what the Lord Jesus has already done for you and what he is to you now.
This is not a form of escapism.
It is not something you try to keep your mind on all day long, to the exclusion of business, family or home.
It is rather something that when your mind is occupied with your family, work problems, or whatever, you also bring into it this extra dimension.
Christ is part of that situation.
That is what Paul means when he says, your life is hid with Christ in God.
Christ is involved with your activities.
Remind yourself that whatever you are involved in, includes also the Lord himself.
His wisdom, power and knowledge are all available to you.
But not only our affections, but we are to set our minds on things above.
Paul is talking about our wills, our choices.
Decide to do what you know from your knowledge of the Word of the Lord that he wants you to do.
That is the secret of a life that has discovered how to really live.
Your life, your daily activity, your thoughts are now tied to Christ.
You do wrong if you separate yourself from him.
You belong to him.
The old godless, self-directed life is over, if you have become a Christian.
Also, hope is set before us so that, when Christ manifests himself again, all that we have been learning of how to share his life will become visibly manifest. God is moving toward a new age.
God is already at work producing it, but it is invisible to the world around.
One of these days the curtain will be lifted, for as Paul puts it beautifully in Romans 8, the whole universe is standing on tiptoe, craning its neck, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
That is the goal God is moving toward in this world.
We see all the darkness and despair, the trials and hurt all around, but God sees a purpose that is developing more and more, moving toward a certain accomplishment that shall be fulfilled when Christ returns.
Father, by your Spirit help me to set my affections and my mind on things above, where Christ is. Amen.
Life Application
What are those thing that keep you from setting your affection and your mind on things above?